Российский государственный педагогический университет им. А.И. Герцена
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Российского государственного
педагогического университета
им. А.И. Герцена
Herzen University
Journal of
Humanities & Sciences
Обслуживание читателей
с ограниченными



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The Editorial Board accepts for reviewing articles in Russian or English.

The decision making process lasts not more than 3 months after the registration of the manuscript.

The decision on the publication of an article in the Journal is based on the following:

  • positive review made by an independent expert appointed by the Editorial Council for a field;
  • decision of the Editorial Board of the journal;
  • non-exclusive Licensing agreement between the author and the University on the transfer of authority to use the publication;
  • execution of the rules for article's submission.


Requirements for article's presentation:

  1. Electronic version of an article is submitted in DOC, DOCX or RTF format in Times New Roman-14 and with line spacing 1,5. The margins of the page: top margin is 2,5; bottom is 3,2; left and right are 2,2. Page numbers are placed in the page footer with center alignment.
  2. The articles should not be less than 12 pages, but should not exceed 18 pages (from 20 000 to 40 000 characters including spaces). The volume of the article includes a list of references, notes, illustrations.
  3. The figures are incorporated in the text of the article in the required place and duplicated as a separate file in JPEG format (minimum image resolution is 300x400 pixels).
  4. Summary of the article is submitted in Russian and English (from 800 to 1000 characters including spaces).
  5. Keywords — in Russian and English (3–7).
  6. References are presented according to the GOST Р 7.0.5-2008 after the text in the end of the article under the heading «References» in alphabetic order. To connect the references with the text of the article the reference signs are using in the form of ordinal numbers of sources enclosed in square brackets. If one refers to a certain part of the quoted text, the reference sign should contain a sequence number and a page number. The data are separated by a comma and spaces.

For example:

In the text: [10, p. 81]; in «References» following the text: 10. Berdyaev N. A. History Essence. M.: Mysl, 1990. 175 p.

  1. In case when the author considers it necessary to give some additional comments, in the end of the text and in front of «References» a section is created under the title «Comments» where in the order of appearance the author's clarifications will be presented. In the text they should be marked by one or several asteriscs.
  2. If there are special characters in the text (for example, letters of Greek, old Russian and other alphabets), the author must duplicate the article in PDF format and send the font with these characters.


The article should be accompanied by the author's data (in separate file):

  1. Full family name, first name, other names (in Russian and English).
  2. Full name of the institution where the author works, city and country (in Russian and English).
  3. Postal address of organisation.
  4. Contact data: e-mail, telephone number.
  5. Scientific degree, position.
  6. Main fields of research.
  7. Most important publications (1–2).
  8. Professional code according to the List of professions for researchers (for Russian authors).
  9. For post-graduate students: information of the tutor (full name, scientific degree, position).


Publication of the article is done free of charge for the author in order of submission when the positive review on the article is received. The editorial work and publishing expenses are covered by the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia.

The license agreement is signed after receiving a positive review of the article.

The article is printed in the order of natural priority only in case of receiving a positive review. The author receives notifications about the results of the verification for compliance with the formal requirements, the results of the review, the inclusion of the article in the issue and the publication of the issue, along with the electronic version of the published article.

Authors do not pay for publication costs. Payment for editing and printing is carried out at the expense of the University.

The author's fee is not available. Manuscripts and the corresponding materials are not returned.

The journal can be purchased by subscribing to the required numbers at the post offices and providing a scanned receipt confirming the payment. The «Rospechat'» catalogue index is 18381.

The materials should be sent by e-mail: journal@herzen.spb.ru

2025 © Российский государственный педагогический университет им. А.И. Герцена